Monday, November 17, 2008

Sweet Sallie

Before I begin, I must include a little note. I have struggled with deciding how to write about the specific people in my life I am thankful for. It is a situation that must be approached with care. For if I were to just begin writing about those that I'm thankful for, the ones whom I did not write about first may get their feelings hurt and believe that they are not as important to me as they truly are. Therefore, I have decided to write about those I'm thankful for on their respective birthdays. That way, no one gets their feelings hurt and maybe the post can be seen as an online card! :)

Well, Miss Sallie Rebecca was born this day 23 years ago. Little did her loving parents know that, while Sallie would be an incredible blessing in their lives, she was truly born for me! Sal and I met about three years ago at a Georgia football game (a great start!) and instantly connected. About a year later, she transferred to UGA and moved into the dorms on campus. Well, with Katie in Italy for study abroad, Molly, Allison and I had an available room at our house. I don't think we really planned it, but Sallie ended up moving in and being our fourth roomie for the spring. And let me just tell you, it was one of the most fun times of my whole life! From spring break in Panama City to nights spent squished in Molly's bed with Cheezits, we always had a good time and forged a bond that will last forever! (Shhh, who cares if it's cheesy? I mean it!) Through a series of transitions, it worked out to where Sallie was able to live with us senior year as well and we've been best friends ever since.

Talk to anyone: Sallie is probably the sweetest person you will ever meet. She's full of encouragement, joy, love and laughter. OH the laughter! The only way I can convey it in print is "BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" But that seriously does not do it justice. She has been there for me through all of the ups and downs of the past two years; always there to be a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on or a voice of comfort. We have laughed and cried together, but mostly laughed. She is one of the most special people I have ever met and is truly gorgeous inside and out. I can't wait to see what and where this next year brings her! I'm sure it will be a year full of joys, challenges and change and I can't wait to see where God directs her life after graduation!

Sallie, I love you more than life itself and I am so thankful that God brought you me!!!

Anyone who knows Sallie, post a comment wishing her a happy belated birthday and let her know how special she is to you!

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