Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Lubbock, Texas

The reason Lubbock is our winner today is two-fold:

1. Lubbock Local Media
For the first time in my PR career, I have had to pitch the media this week. Let me say this is not the norm.
Well, media pitching is obviously not my strong point. Therefore, I was scared to death when I was notified that I'd have to call around 50 local media outlets in the Lubbock area.

At first, it appeared my fears would be justified: my first three pitches included me calling the wrong person (due to an outdated media list), a receptionist with an attitude all but yelling at me and a number that was no longer in service. It seemed that I was never going to get this story covered.

Well, apparently it's the fourth (NOT the third) time that's a charm. From that fourth call on, every media person I spoke with was so friendly and almost all of them agreed to mention our story!

Reason #1 I say, "Thank you Lubbock!"

2. Chace Crawford
This heartthrob from the CW's not-so-PG-rated Gossip Girl was born and raised in Lubbock. That's him to the left. I believe that should be explanation enough.

P.S. I bought Sleepless in Seattle today at Target for a mere $6.50! I am watching it and now have this to say:

Dear Nora Ephron,

Please write the script for my life. I would appreciate a romantic interest slightly more attractive than Tom Hanks or Billy Crystal, but everything else is good. Thanks much!


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