Tuesday, April 29, 2008

One by One, They All Fall Down

So my roommate finally worked out plans for a fantastic internship today. Slowly, but surely, my little PR butterfly friends are spreading their wings and taking off into the much-feared real world.

I'm hoping that some of this good luck will rub off on me and my other roommates. Surely, with a little help and a lot of prayer, we will no longer be real world singles, but happily swept off our feet by our jobs in shining armor.

Either way, I only have a few more days in my Neverland. It would be a shame to only study for finals and not make the most of it, so I'm trying to squeeze in all of the Athens things I can before I go. Some definite "have-tos" are eating at Snelling, making a midnight trip to The Grill, walking around downtown, getting a scoop at Hodgson's and basking in the glory of North Campus.

I can't believe it's coming to an end, but my time in Neverland has truly been well-spent. Knowing that I lived each day knowing how lucky I was to be here makes leaving a little bit easier. Neverland's taught me how to enjoy each day to the fullest and, as sarcastic and cynical as I am about moving out and onward, I hope that I'll be able to take that philosophy with me on the next big adventure.

1 comment:

Jackie Barnett said...

These are such true statements! And I am completely confident that you will find a wonderful first job...or rather the wonderful first job will find you! Afterall, you DO resemble Cinderella :) Oh, and p.s. count me in for you last trip to The Grill! I'm craving a milkshake...